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Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate
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Mosaic product update

· 2 min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Axinom releases new features and updates for Mosaic and all included service on a regular base. Here is a summary over the last few weeks.

Latest releases:

  • Video Service
  • Encoding Service 2.44.25010.1
  • DRM Service - Widevine API 6.27.1
  • DRM Service - Key Service 1.21.2

Per-Scene Encoding in Test

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Per-scene encoding or CAE (Content-Aware Encoding) is a technique used to optimize the size of the encoded output by applying different encoder settings to different parts of the video (scenes). An AI-enhanced solution continuously analyzes content in real-time to determine the best transcoder settings for outstanding video quality and lower bitrates. It's also known as CAE - Content-Aware Encoding or Content-Adaptive Encoding.

Per-scene encoding promises to reduce the output size by an average of 40% (and up to 70%) without compromising visual video quality. But how well it works really?

Authentication in Mosaic Management System

· 2 min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Recently, we've released a number of additional features regarding user authentication in Management System:

  • Redesigned sign in experience
  • Configurable IDPs and branding
  • Axinom Portal as IDP
  • Simplified Microsoft Entra ID configuration
  • Custom IDP

Here is a summary for the changes:

Redesigned sign in experience

Sign-in experience is now more aligned with the industry best practices. Users can directly sign in with their email and password, or select one of the external IDPs (Identify Providers) using the bottons below. Which IDPs can be used on a given environment is configurable (see below).


Video tutorials with AI-generated speech

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

How do you create your video tutorials? Here is an example where we used for Axinom Mosaic one of the modern text-to-speech tools: (kudos to Nipuni Madanayake).

How does it sound for you? For me it's still a bit "robotic", but it's a native speaker pronunciation (which is not an obvious thing for a non-UK non-US company). And what is even more interesting for me with my passion for continuous delivery - it allows to create a script, store it in git, and GENERATE the audio during build time - same as what you do with any other software build artifacts.

Now you can make modifications to the original script - they are all nicely trackable through git, and new builds can be produced anytime. Compare with an effort you have to make to record such a screencast yourself.

There is still a part with clicking and screen-recording - remains manual, but we are working on it!

Portal: Self-management features

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

We’re excited to announce that Axinom Portal now offers enhanced self-management features designed specifically for organizations with multiple users. Here’s what you can do:

  • Manage Environments: Configure, add, start, and stop services with ease. Learn more.
  • User Access Management: Directly add or remove users from your tenant, assign roles, and skip the need for support requests. See details.
  • Set Up SSO: Enforce your organization’s preferred identity provider (IDP), such as Microsoft or Google, for secure single sign-on.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Choose from four user roles—Business, Billing, Admin, and Technical—to fine-tune each user’s access to specific Portal features. Explore roles.

Quick Edit

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Quick Edit is a productivity-boosting feature inside Axinom Mosaic management system that allows individuals to streamline workflows by allowing quick, in-place editing without the need to navigate away from the main Explorer Station. This is achieved by adding a panel on the right side of the Explorer Station that displays a Quick Edit form for the selected entity. The user can edit the entity in the Quick Edit form and save the changes without leaving the Explorer Station, making the editing process faster and requiring fewer clicks. We’re excited to announce that Axinom Portal now offers enhanced self-management features designed specifically for organizations with multiple users. Here’s what you can do:

Explorer with a Quick Edit panel open

Read our new article how to implement Quick Edit in your projects with Axinom Mosaic.

CSMIM Explained

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Cabin Secure Media-Independent Messaging (CSMIM) protocol - an evolving ARINC standard - is transforming the aviation industry.

In this deep-dive, Axinom’s Chief Developer Advocate Grigory Grin and product lead Vladislav Kuzmin discuss CSMIM and how this standard empowers airlines to securely manage and deploy in-flight services efficiently, streamlining communication and enhancing the passenger experience.

CSMIM Explained