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4 posts tagged with "Encoding"

Axinom Encoding

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Mosaic update 10 Feb

· 2 min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Axinom releases new features and updates for Mosaic and all included service on a regular base. Here is a summary over the last two weeks.

Latest releases:

  • Video Service R116
  • Encoding Service 2.44.25010.1
  • DRM Service - Widevine API 6.27.1
  • DRM Service - Key Service 1.21.2

Per-Scene Encoding in Test

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Per-scene encoding or CAE (Content-Aware Encoding) is a technique used to optimize the size of the encoded output by applying different encoder settings to different parts of the video (scenes). An AI-enhanced solution continuously analyzes content in real-time to determine the best transcoder settings for outstanding video quality and lower bitrates. It's also known as CAE - Content-Aware Encoding or Content-Adaptive Encoding.

Per-scene encoding promises to reduce the output size by an average of 40% (and up to 70%) without compromising visual video quality. But how well it works really?

Encoding audio

· One min read
Johannes Jauch
Axinom DRM Product Owner, CTO

Did you know that with Axinom DRM you can also protect pure audio files?

People usually think, DRM (like Widevine/PlayReady/FairPlay) is about video protection. It is correct, but it is NOT ONLY about video. If you have an audio file (say, MP3), you can feed it to Axinom Encoding, which will convert it to MPEG DASH format and encrypt the audio track according to DRM standards. If you provide no video input, there will be no video track in the output DASH manifest.

You can now use all regular video players to play this asset. In UI it makes sense not to display the video area, as there is no video. But the audio track will play. All the same approaches for an entitlement message ("token") acquisition and sending it to a DRM License Service apply.

Try it out yourself.