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3 posts tagged with "Mosaic"

Axinom Mosaic

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Mosaic Release R110

· One min read
Benjamin Schwendner
Chief Product Architect

New release (R110) of Axinom Mosaic is available!

It's a maintenance release fixing some issues and adding more consistency.

We recommend upgrading the libraries @axinom/mosaic-ui and @axinom/mosaic-service-common.

Quick Edit

· One min read
Grigory Grin
Chief Developer Advocate

Quick Edit is a productivity-boosting feature inside Axinom Mosaic management system that allows individuals to streamline workflows by allowing quick, in-place editing without the need to navigate away from the main Explorer Station. This is achieved by adding a panel on the right side of the Explorer Station that displays a Quick Edit form for the selected entity. The user can edit the entity in the Quick Edit form and save the changes without leaving the Explorer Station, making the editing process faster and requiring fewer clicks. We’re excited to announce that Axinom Portal now offers enhanced self-management features designed specifically for organizations with multiple users. Here’s what you can do:

Explorer with a Quick Edit panel open

Read our new article how to implement Quick Edit in your projects with Axinom Mosaic.

Mosaic Release R108

· One min read
Benjamin Schwendner
Chief Product Architect

New release (R108) of Axinom Mosaic is available!

In this iteration of authentication improvements for the Management System, we added support to configure Custom Branding for the Identity Providers that are used by the Management System. This means you will be able to control the Display Name, Display Icon as well as the display order for the external Identity Providers. As part of the same initiative, we've now improved the User Experience of the Admin Portal to find all Identity Provider related configuration under a single station.

Identity Provider Settings