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In Mosaic, you pay only for what you consume. Every Managed Service defines its Billing Metrics. For each metric, there is a defined price (which is usually a tiered price depending on the level of consumption, but sometimes it is just a simple per-unit price). The tier is selected automatically based on the monthly consumption. Some Services offer different Billing Models, which means different sets of metrics. For example, it is possible to pay for the DRM Service by the number of generated DRM Licenses or by the number of active users.


See the full Price List and the Price Calculator.


The Platform monitors the consumption. Consumption is tracked and billed separately for each Environment.

You can see your current consumption numbers in the Portal under My Mosaic / Usage.


Some services do not yet expose their consumption. We will cover these services in the near time.


In the beginning of a month, you receive an invoice for the previous month’s consumption. The invoice contains separate positions for each Environment and Service with all consumption details. We send an invoice to you by email.

The default payment method is a bank transfer to our bank account in Germany.

If you would like to pay by a credit card, we can arrange that via PayPal against a small fee. Please contact us if you want to use PayPal.

For smooth payments, we need the following data from you when the agreement starts:

  • Billing Address (to be printed on invoices)
  • Billing Email (where to send the invoice)
  • VAT ID, if you have one
  • If you use Purchase Orders (PO) - the PO number you want us to print on your invoices.

If you have any questions regarding payments, please contact us and specify "Licensing and billing questions" as a request type.

Specific Services

You can find the most frequently used billing models below. Note that some services can be used with different billing models.

DRM: Generated Licenses or Active Users

In Axinom DRM, you can pay per generated DRM licenses or per monthly active users. To use the "per user" model, you have to pass a unique user identifier with each license request.

See DRM Billing Models for details.

Encoding: Output Minutes

For the Encoding Service, you pay for the number of output minutes. The minute price depends on the codec and the quality level (SD/HD/UHD1/UHD2). If you use a per-scene encoding, the price is slightly higher, but you save on the size of the encoded video and hence save on the bandwidth for streaming/CDN and improve the players behavior.

See Encoding billing model for details.

Core Services

For usage of the Core Services we bill for the following metrics:

  • Users (Management System)
  • User Roles (Management System)
  • Custom Services
  • Service Accounts
  • RabbitMQ Connections
  • RabbitMQ Users

If you only use the Managed Services (such DRM, Encoding, etc.), you do not need to pay for the Core Services. Core Services metrics are only billed if you run at least one customizable service.


If you use the Mosaic Hosting Service, the Core Services fees are waived except the Users and User Roles fees.

Users (Management System)

Number of users who can log in to the Management System. You need a separate user for each person using the Management System. For application integration see the Service Accounts metric.

User Roles (Management System)

Number of user roles that can be assigned to users in the Management System. You can configure different roles with different permissions and then assign roles to users. It is up to you how granular you want to define the roles.

Custom Services

Number of Custom Services you have deployed to a given environment.

Service Accounts

Number of defined Service Accounts.

You can use Service Accounts for integration with other systems. A Service Account is assigned individual permissions. We recommend a separate Service Account for each distinct business task so that you can keep granular access control.

RabbitMQ Connections

Number of connections to the RabbitMQ message broker.

Every deployment (pod) of every custom service maintains a connection to RabbitMQ message broker so it can send and receive messages.

RabbitMQ Users

Number of RabbitMQ users.

Services open RabbitMQ connections using specific RabbitMQ users. At least one RabbitMQ is necessary. More users can be provisioned to separate security contexts. For example, if you grant access to your RabbitMQ virtual host to external parties.


Hosting service provides multiple capabilities:

  • Run your custom services
  • Run Axinom customizable services (for demo purpose)
  • Storage
  • Origin for video materials (together with Storage)
  • Configuring CDN access to storage and services.

If you use the Mosaic Hosting Service, the Core Services fees are waived except the Users and User Roles fees.

See Hosting for more details.

Customizable Services

Axinom provides a number of Customizable Services. These services are available in source code for free under an open-source license.

You can use the Hosting Service to run the Customizable Services, including your customizations, in development and/or production setup.

While usage of the customizable services is free, fees may apply for usage of the Core Services (see above).

Services for Aerospace

If services are deployed on a vessel, such as on an aircraft/train/bus or in another location, billing can work by the number of installations. Prices depend on the type of vessel and the respective tier.

Services using this model: Sync, On-Board Cloud, DRM, Live TV.

For this billing model, you have to provide monthly reports about the number of active deployments.

Development Environment

A typical application life cycle usually requires more than one Environment. For example, you may need Development, Testing, Staging, and Production environments. The regular consumption-based fees are applicable only when you are in production.

You can mark any Environment as a "Development Environment". Then, you only pay a small flat fee for this environment. There are consumption limits for Development Environments, but they should not disturb development/testing.


Should you exceed the limits for a Development Environment in a specific month, we will promote the environment to a production environment and bill accordingly.

Free Trial

Axinom provides you the possibility to evaluate all the services before you start paying for them. We enable a free trial for new customers. During the trial period, you can have two Development Environments for free. (Should you need more than two environments to properly test the services, please contact us.) If you upgrade to a production agreement, the two free development environments remain free.