Request-based Hosting Model
If you contract Axinom to develop an application for you based on Axinom Mosaic, and also to host it for you, a different hosting model applies. Axinom will charge you based on the usage of the application (number of requests) instead of utilization of technical resources such as number of pods.
If you host an application which you develop/customize yourself, the standard hosting model applies.
Price Model
There are three price components:
- Base fee
- Requests
- Throughput
Base fee
A base fee is a fixed amount per month.
It applies regardless of the load on the application and covers the infrastructure necessary to run the application in any case. Base fee also already covers certain amount of requests.
The base fee can vary dependent on your specific application. The base fee in the price list refers to the standard Mosaic setup.
Application can consists of one or more services.
The Services process requests - from frontend applications or other backend applications.
The more requests are processed, the more resources are necessary for the application (pods/instances, CPU, DTU, application firewall, etc).
Hence there is an additional price per one Million requests (requests fee).
The requests fee can vary dependent on your specific service. The requests fee in the price list refers to the standard Mosaic setup.
Throughput (Capacity)
The requests to an application usually do not come steadily. There are high and low phases, depending on the users behavior.
Axinom implements the best practices to sustain high load and supports automatic scaling.
However, service level’s (SLA) guarantees, such as availability, are provided only as long as the current load does not exceed an agreed guaranteed capacity. Guaranteed capacity is measured in RPS (requests per second). Every service has a default guaranteed capacity included in the base fee, usually 50 RPS.
If the current load exceeds the guaranteed capacity, the application still works but based on the "best efforts" principle. Failures do not count as SLA violations.
Depending on a use case, it may be advisable to book additional guaranteed capacity. It can be done in 100 RPS steps, e.g., you can book additional 200 RPS for a specific service getting a total gurantee of 250 RPS.
The higher the guaranteed capacity, the more capable infrastructure Axinom has to maintain.
The fee for additional guaranteed capacity can vary dependent on your specific service. The fee in the price list refers to the standard Mosaic setup.
Axinom provides monthly reports including at least:
- Number of processed requests, by service
- Throughput distribution, showing the real RPS.