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Mosaic provides libraries and tools for both backend and frontend developers. The packages encapsulate all heavy operations and the details of communication with the Managed Services.

The libraries are available as npm packages and can be installed using yarn.

All libraries are delivered with the source code, which is a part of their installation package. This enables debugging and helps to troubleshoot issues efficiently.

The following libraries are available:

@axinom/mosaic-coreBackendShared types and core functionalities.
@axinom/mosaic-cliCLICommand line utility.
@axinom/mosaic-db-commonBackendThis package encapsulates database-related functionality to develop Mosaic-based services.
@axinom/mosaic-id-guardBackendAuthentication and authorization helpers for Mosaic services.
@axinom/mosaic-id-linkFrontendIntegration utilities from id-service for application frontends.
@axinom/mosaic-id-link-beBackendIntegration utilities from id-service for Mosaic services.
@axinom/mosaic-id-utilsBackendShared types used by id-service for integration clients.
@axinom/mosaic-managed-workflow-integrationFrontendes types and helpers for integrating with Axinom Mosaic Managed Workflows.
@axinom/mosaic-user-authFrontendreact library that wraps the core functionality in the User Service that is related to frontend end-user applications.
@axinom/mosaic-user-auth-utilsFrontend/BackendSupporting library of @axinom/mosaic-user-auth which exports common types, so they may be shared between the Frontends and Backends during authentication & authorization flows (end-user facing).
@axinom/mosaic-message-busBackendMessaging library for Mosaic services.
@axinom/mosaic-messagesBackendShared types for Mosaic service messages.
@axinom/mosaic-portalFrontendOrchestration Application for running microfrontends in the local development environment.
@axinom/mosaic-service-commonBackendCommon helpers and PostgreSQL-related functionality.
@axinom/mosaic-graphql-commonBackendModules that help to set up GraphQL API.
@axinom/mosaic-uiFrontendUI components for building Mosaic applications.