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This package contains modules that help to create a Mosaic-based service.

Configuration management

Microservices have the benefit to be developed independently from each other, potentially with different approaches and technologies. But this can make it quite hard to know and learn about all the different ways and patterns on how to configure each service individually.

The Mosaic configuration management offers a set of common configuration settings and how to load them from the environment variables, validate them, and exposes them inside of Mosaic based applications.

You can pick one of the existing configuration definitions and define your own that you can reuse in your different services. There are utility functions for basic configurations, GraphQL settings, database connections, Rabbit MQ, etc.

Logging and Error handling

There is a common logging solution that encapsulates all the aspects around logging. It includes different log levels and log configurations. It includes a log masking middleware which helps to not write secret values to your log files. To ensure a central handling of those log aspects a global console.log overwrite can be used to route all log messages to this logging logic.

The library offers utilities that help you with consistent error handling. It has different classes that inherit from the base JavaScript Error class and provide additional functionality. It includes specific error handlers e.g. mappings for PostgreSQL database error codes.

Health Monitoring

The following section describes the helper functions that are exported through this library and their usage.


This setup a health endpoint for an express application. The serviceHealthOptions object will contain the options to configure the health endpoint route as required, and if not specified, will default to /health. The function will return a serviceHealthData handle, that can be used to set the current health data of the service (i.e. a key-value object as defined by the service). If not set, this will default to an empty object. When an HTTP GET request is made to the health endpoint of a service, it will return a 200 response code along with contents set to the serviceHealthData handle by the service.


The function signature is given below.

const setupServiceHealthEndpoint = (
app: Express,
ServiceHealthEndpointOptions: ServiceHealthEndpointOptions = {},
logger?: Logger,
): {
serviceHealthData: HealthData;

The table below describes the arguments in the function signature.

appInstance of the Express application.
ServiceHealthEndpointOptionsThis parameter is an optional object that is used to configure options related to the service health endpoint.
loggerThis is an optional parameter that can be used to pass a logging utility..

This function is called at the service start-up, typically from the index.ts of the service.


This function is used to check the health status of a service by accessing the /health endpoint. The function returns a Promise<boolean> indicating whether the service is available. It check the availability of a service by making HTTP requests to the specified URL and route and returning true if the service is available and false otherwise.


The function signature is shown below.

const isServiceAvailable = async (
baseUrl: string,
healthRoute = '/health',
maxRetryAttempts = 15,
logger?: Logger,
): Promise<boolean>

The table below describes the arguments in the isServiceAvailable function.

baseUrlThe base URL of the service..
healthRouteThe path to mount the service health endpoint. If not specified, will default to /health.
maxRetryAttemptsThe maximum number of retry attempts when checking the service’s availability, default count will be 15.
loggerA logger object to use for output generated inside the middleware.

This function is called at the service start-up, typically from the index.ts of the service.


In addition to the above mentioned modules, this library includes a lot of other utility modules. Those are about type definitions, unit testing helpers, seed data generation, and a lot more.