Getting Started with Apple FairPlay Streaming Using Axinom DRM
This article provides a general overview of integrating with Axinom DRM to use Apple FairPlay Streaming (FPS).
In order to use Fairplay DRM, you will have to have:
A FairPlay Streaming (FPS) Certificate.
We have specified steps on how to acquire your own certificate here. When you have your own certificate, you can share it with Axinom License server in order to verify the licenses signed with the customer-specific Fairplay certificates you received. Please refer to Share FPS Content for further information.
FairPlay compatible Content.
Content must be encoded and packaged into the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) format, which is supported by FairPlay. Please read Prepare FPS Content for Axinom DRM for more details.
Access to Axinom FairPlay license server.
Axinom Fairplay License server URL is : You can read further about Axinom License server.
A playback solution which supports FairPlay DRM.
You can refer to video players documentation for playback application implementations.