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Native iOS Player

DRM Integration​

The easiest way to play DRM-protected videos on iOS devices is to use the AVFoundation framework. The logical choice is to use Apple FairPlay with HLS, because it is supported natively on iOS devices.

With a few lines of code you can configure the Player to use Axinom DRM License Service.

Minimal Integration Sample Player​

Use the minimal integration sample to quickly integrate with Axinom DRM and test playback. Below you can find the minimal setup required to use Axinom DRM with AVFoundation framework and play HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) media, protected with FairPlay and hosted on remote servers.

Source Code​

You can find the code for the sample application on Github. The steps described there are mandatory to play the FairPlay-protected HLS streams.

More Complex Sample Player​

Axinom offers another Sample Player application in source code to illustrate the DRM integration. The application provides a starting point for developers who want to implement a player application that includes support for Axinom DRM and offline playback. Details about the integration of Axinom DRM are well documented in the source code.

Offline Playback​

Axinom Sample Player also demonstrates the so called Offline Playback, i.e. how you can download the DRM-protected videos to your device, request a persistent DRM License and play the videos later without an Internet connection.

Source Code​

The Sample Player’s source code is available on Github.