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Content Acquisition

This section of a job request defines the source content provider, location, and its credentials. Basically, these settings refer to the input storage provider.

"ContentAcquisition": {
"Provider": "Ftps",
"UriPath": "ftpes://",
"CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_USER",
"CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"

The exact meaning of the properties UriPath, CredentialsName and CredentialsSecret depends on the selected storage provider.


When specifying the UriPath, Axinom Encoding discourages the use of non-URL-friendly (non-ASCII) characters in folder names.

ProviderStringA storage provider to use. Refer to storage providers for more information.
UriPathStringA storage location URI. This is a generic field. It is up to the storage to handle its URI format properly.
CredentialsNameStringA username for secured access.
CredentialsSecretStringA password for secured access.
CredentialsProtectionEncrypted or Unencrypted (default)You are encouraged to apply credentials protection to the CredentialsSecret. Encrypt CredentialsSecret as described and the value of CredentialsProtection to Encrypted.