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Image Extraction

This section enables image (frames snapshots) extraction from video. Use this feature to generate preview images in your content catalogue, for example.

"ImageExtraction": {
"Quality": 100,
"Intervals": [15, 25, 82],
"Pattern": "preview_%.jpg",
"Location": {
"Provider": "Ftps",
"UriPath": "ftpes://",
"CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_USER",
"CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
PropertyDescriptionUse CaseRequired?
QualityThe quality level of an extracted image. From 1 to 100.Use this property to configure the quality of extracted images.Yes.
IntervalsA list of point-in-time places in video where to take a snapshot at. This value is in percentages.Use this property to specify where to take snapshots. For example, one in the beginning, one in the middle, and one in the end.Yes.
PatternOutput images naming. You need to use % to get a number of the image. For example: if you have 3 intervals defined with the pattern preview_%.jpg, then you get three images: preview_1.jpg, preview_2.jpg and preview_3.jpg-Yes.
LocationA location where to put the extracted images. Same format as with ContentAcquisition or ContentPublishing. See storage providers for more details.-Yes.