Storage Providers
Axinom Encoding supports a variety of storage providers. You can achieve great flexibility by using different storage providers for acquisition and publishing. For example, you can download from Amazon S3 and publish to Azure Blob.
Provides access to plain FTP and FTP/SSL servers.
This provider does not support SFTP servers!
"Provider": "Ftps",
"UriPath": "ftpes://",
"CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_USER",
"CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
A few notes to remember regarding FTP storage provider usage:
- It does not yet support TLS 1.3 and is coming soon.
- This implementation is URI scheme dependent, it affects the SSL mode.
- If the "ftp://" scheme is specified, then SSL mode is set to None.
- If the "ftpes://" scheme is specified, then SSL mode is set to Explicit.
- Otherwise, by default the client uses the Implicit SSL mode.
Amazon S3
Provides access to the Amazon S3 bucket.
refer to Create Storage account with AWS
Providing access with AssumeRole API
"Provider": "AmazonS3",
"UriPath": "https://<your-bucket-name>.s3.<your-aws-region><input-folder-path>/",
"RoleArnToAssume": "arn:aws:iam::<your_aws_account_id>:role/<role-you-want-us-to-assume>",
"RoleSessionDurationInSeconds": 900
Providing access with credentials
"Provider": "AmazonS3",
"UriPath": "https://<your-bucket-name>.s3.<your-aws-region><input-folder-path>/",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
Read Bucket Permissions Requirement
To download content from the S3 bucket, please assign proper permissions to access credentials. In particular:
Bucket Write Permissions Requirement
To be able to write into bucket, you need to have the PutObject
S3-Compatible Storage
Provides access to an S3-compatible storage.
"Provider": "S3Compatible",
"ServiceUrl": "",
"Bucket": "<your_bucket-name>",
"FolderPath": "<input-folder-path>",
"CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_USER",
"CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
Please note that instead of using the UriPath field, it is required that the ServiceUrl, Bucket and FolderPath fields (all three are required) are used to define the service.
PS. FolderPath must not be empty and it must not begin or end with a dash ("/").
Read Bucket Permissions Requirement
Same as with Amazon S3.
Bucket Write Permissions Requirement
Same as with Amazon S3.
Azure Blob Storage
Provides access to Azure Blob Storage.
refer to Create Storage account with Azure
"Provider": "AzureBlob",
"UriPath": "",
"CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_SHARED_KEY",
"CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
Read Bucket Permissions Requirement
To download content from Azure Blob Storage, please assign proper permissions to your account. In particular:
Bucket Write Permissions Requirement
To be able to write into Azure Blob, assign these permissions: