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Visible Video Watermarking

Visible watermarking is the technique of adding a recognizable, semi-transparent logo or pattern to visual media to identify ownership or stop illegal use. Axinom Encoding allows users to add visible watermarking to their videos using the Axinom Encoding API. You can set visible watermarking configurations under the "ContentProcessing" section of the Encoding Job request.

Example job request:

This job request section defines the content processing behavior for visible video watermarks along with an example of the output.

"ContentProcessing" : {
"VisibleVideoWatermarks": [
"WatermarkFileName": "axinom_drm.png",
"PositionXPercentage": 20,
"PositionYPercentage": 20,
"StartTime": "00:00:10",
"EndTime": "00:23:55",
"FadeInDurationInMs": 1000,
"FadeOutDurationInMs": 1000,
"SizePercentage": 30,
"OpacityPercentage": 100

Visible Video Watermark


Visible Video Watermark job request

Watermark Properties

WatermarkFileNameSpecifies the file name of the watermark image that will be used from the acquisiton folder. Currently accepted file extensions: png, jpg, gif. For example, axinom_drm.png indicates the watermark file name is axinom_drm.png.Yes
PositionXPercentageDetermines the horizontal position of the watermark on the video frame as a percentage. A value of 20 means the watermark is placed at 20% from the left edge of the video.Yes
PositionYPercentageDetermines the vertical position of the watermark on the video frame as a percentage. A value of 20 means the watermark is placed at 20% from the top edge of the video.Yes
StartTimeDefines the time offset from the start of the video when the watermark will first appear. Here, 00:00:10 means the watermark will appear 10 seconds into the video.No. Default Value: null, If null or omitted, the watermark will start showing from the beginning of the video.
EndTimeSpecifies the time at which the watermark will disappear. 00:23:55 means the watermark will be visible until 23 minutes and 55 seconds into the video.No. Default Value: null, If null or omitted, the watermark will show until the end of the video.
FadeInDurationInMsRepresents the duration of the fade-in effect for the watermark in milliseconds. A value of 1000 indicates a fade-in duration of 1 second after StartTime.No. Default Value: 0, If 0, the watermark will appear instantly. If StartTime is not set, then watermark will fade in with the start of the video.
FadeOutDurationInMsRepresents the duration of the fade-out effect for the watermark in milliseconds. A value of 1000 indicates a fade-out duration of 1 second before EndTime.No. Default Value: 0, If 0, the watermark will disappear instantly. If EndTime is not set, then watermark will fade out before the end of the video.
SizePercentageSpecifies the size of the watermark as a percentage of the video frame’s size. A value of 30 means the watermark’s size is 30% of the video frame’s dimensions.Yes
OpacityPercentageDefines the opacity level of the watermark. A value of 100 means the watermark is completely visible and a value of 0 means completely invisible.No. Default Value: 100

Watermark Layering (Z-index)

In scenarios where multiple watermarks are defined and their display times and positions overlap, the order of the watermark definitions in the VisibleVideoWatermarks array determines their Z-index, or layering order. Watermarks listed later in the array are displayed in front of those listed earlier. This means that if two watermarks occupy the same position and time on the video, the one that appears later in the VisibleVideoWatermarks array will be visible on top of the previous watermark. This layering behavior allows for precise control over how multiple watermarks interact visually within the video.