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Monetization and Billing


Maximize the revenue potential of video platforms, be it VOD, OTT, or pay-per-view offerings, with our video monetization solution for creating tailored business models based on content type, region, and audience.

Axinom’s monetization solution provides full capabilities to integrate billing providers, configure pricing, subscriptions, promotions, payment options, and further services, depending on each region’s needs and potential.

Mosaic service portfolio Monetization and Billing:

  • Monetization Service - Managed service to configure available subscription plans and payment plans. It provides a GUI for the management and publishing of data consumed by other services.
  • Billing Service - Managed service for processing of payments and automatic billing through integrated payment providers, such as PayPal.
  • Entitlement Service - Customizable service which based on a subscriber’s subscriptions generates entitlement tokens granting access (playback) to DRM-protected content.

Services of the monetization solution

Additional services used:

  • Media Service - Manage metadata & assign video assets for TV shows, movies, linear streams, etc.
  • User Service - Manages and authenticates end-users (subscribers) so they can use other frontend-facing services, such as Billing Service.
  • Personalization Service - Stores and collects data pertaining to user preferences, favorites, subscriptions, and playback progress.

Data Model

Monetization data model

A subscription plan is the core entity for SVOD. Subscription plans represent options which the users (end-users, subscribers) can subscribe to.

Each subscription plan contains one or more payment plans. A payment plan describes how and what to pay, and where subscriptions can be purchased. For example, the same subscription can be paid monthly or weekly. Each payment plan also has a list of countries each with a price. The price can be different in each country and in the country’s currency.

Once a subscriber has purchased a subscription, they have access to certain media entities. This can be modeled with claim sets and/or with bundles.

A bundle is a set of individual assets, maintained by the Media Service. If a bundle is assigned to a subscription plan, subscribers get access to all assets in the bundle.

A claim is a string that gets a meaning in a context of an Entitlement Service. For example, claims ENTITY_TYPE_MOVIES and ENTITY_TYPE_EPISODES can signal the Entitlement Service to grant access to all movie and/or all episodes, and claim COUNTRY_DE to allow playback from Germany. If a claim set is assigned to a subscription plan, subscribers get all the claims from the claim set and are eligible to whatever the Entitlement Service associates with these claims.

Bundles and claim sets can be combined in different ways to satisfy different business models.

When a subscriber subscribes to a subscription plan using a specific payment provider, the Billing Service creates a new subscription. Details that the payment provider provides for each each payment, failed payment, and refund is stored as a subscription transaction.

Subscription Plan

Subscription plan defines:

  • Title & description
  • Cover image
  • Supported payment providers
  • Payment provider-specific settings

Subscription plan data model

Payment Plan

A payment plan describes how and what to pay. For example, the same subscription can be paid monthly or weekly. Each payment plan also defines a price that can be different in each country and in the country’s currency.

Payment plan defines:

  • Price and currency per country
  • Payment frequency
  • Supported payment providers
  • Payment provider-specific settings

Payment plan data model


Each bundle defines a list of entity references.

The entity selection interface will be a microfrontend hosted by the Media Service.

Bundle data model

Alternatively to bundles, or additionally to, claim sets can be used.


Bundles are not yet implemented.

Claim Set

A claim set defines a list of claims. Each claim is a string which defines some entitlement for a subscriber. Business rules implementing the claims are inside the Entitlement Service.

Examples of claims:


Claim set data model

Entitlement Service shall provide a claims definition schema that defines all available claims with grouping and validation rules. Monetization Service applies the schema for its GUI.

Payment Provider

Several payment providers are supported out-of-the-box:

  • PayPal
  • Google Play (In App)
  • Apple (In App).

Additionally, you can integrate a custom implementation for a payment provider using provided extension points (aka "Bring your own payment provider").

The necessary payment provider-specific settings can be attached to both a subscription plan and a payment plan.


Google Play, Apple and "Bring your own" payment providers are not yet implemented.

Publish / Subscribe

Monetization Service manages most of the entities and publishes them (see Messaging). Payment plans are published together with their subscription plans. Claim sets and bundles can be published independently.

Other services subscribe to the publish events of the entities they are interested in. For example:

  • Billing Service makes use of the subscription- and payment plan details to execute payment transactions
  • Entitlement Service makes use of the bundles and claim sets to authorize access to specific content
  • Catalog Service enriches the content entity metadata depending on the subscription plans that cover them

Entitlement Service publishes a claim definition schema. Monetization Service subscribes to it.

End User Journey

A typical end user journey showing interactions with Mosaic services.

Monetization solution - user journey
